
According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, one of the strategies for emergency shelters should be to provide access to low-barrier emergency shelters. One component is to provide shelter to families without requiring that family members and partners to separate in order to access shelter.

The Annahaven’s Transitional Housing Centers Inc. plans to implement this strategy by providing housing to keep family members together while separating them from single adults on different floors.

Children at the transitional housing program will remain in school. Every child will maintain school enrollment or be enrolled with assistance from staff, if needed.  The transitional housing program will attempt to coordinate services with the school to assist children meet their academic and emotional needs while staying at the shelter.

Each client will need a bed, a mattress, a sheet set, a blanket, a dresser, toiletries and hygiene products. Lockers would also be used for storage of personal items.


Meals will be provided in the morning and at evening and provided by onsite staff, utilizing a clean, sanitized kitchen facility. Congregate meals will be available in the cafe.

On-Site Therapy

Although feeding our bodies healthy food is ideal, we must also remember our mental health. For our bodies to be 100 percent well, we need to have healthy thoughts and a stable state of mind. For this reason, each client would have access to attend therapy once or twice a week to explore underlying issues that lead to homelessness. 

Employment Services and Transportation

The Transitional Housing Program will have an employment component, providing a computer lab for assistance with resume writing and completing online applications. The program will also provide computer classes for job training. The Transitional Housing Program will also provide monthly bus passes to clients for job interviews, doctors appointments, apartment searches and other personal needs.  

Financial Services 

All individuals will need an IDs (or will be assisted in obtaining one) and will be encouraged to open a savings account once employed. The housing program’s goal is to encourage clients to deposit half their income towards move-out money; therefore, establishing a down payment for an apartment and utilities, along with any additional moving out cost. 

Library and Leisure 

Because Anna Haven Behavioral Services believes each client will be giving their best towards therapy, employment efforts, and seeking housing; everyone will be encouraged to take time to relax. The transitional housing program is planning to provide a library for reading and relaxing.


Clients will be screened during the intake process to determine their needs. The Anna Haven Transitional Housing Program will have a limit for client stay, depending on each client's assessment and need. For example, an individual  may come to the program  employed but homeless and may need housing while they search and save for an apartment, while someone else may need to stay longer to address barriers to housing. The goal of the program is to rehouse families and individuals so they can obtain stability in their lives in the most effective and efficient manner. Each client will be treated with compassion, respect, and dignity while obtaining service.

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